BBC Micro PSU Recapping

BBC Micro for repair

A blast from the past, an old BBC micro with an exploded X2 capacitor in the switch mode power supply.

BBC Micro for repair

This type capacitor is used in many different power supplies  and is usually placed across the mains live and neutral. Its primary function is to prevent the nasty electrical switching noise that the power supply generates getting onto the household mains wiring.

After many years or decades the capacitors can explode, usually giving off a pungent smell.

Failed X2 capacitor in a BBC Micro PSU
Exploded X2 capacitor in BBC Micro PSU

It was requested that all the power supply electrolytics be replaced along with the two X2 capacitors.

As the X2 capacitors (the PSU has two of them) and some of the electrolytic capacitors have very high voltages across them the new parts were sourced from a reputable  UK component supplier to ensure they were the real deal.

Recapping a BBC Micro home computer as the X2

Capacitors replaced and some broken solder joints on the three LEDs by the keyboard repaired the BBC micro was given a quick test, not that I could remember how to make it do anything!

If you have something that needs repairing please contact me. Items can be shipped or dropped off to me. Please contact me for details and prices.

Related repair: Microvitec Monitor Repair